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Vinicunca Peru Rainbow Mountains

Vinicunca peru rainbow mountain.

Vinicunca peru rainbow mountains. Share the trail with quechua speaking llama herders beneath some of perus tallest snowpeaks. Vinicunca or winikunka also called montana de siete colores montana de colores or rainbow mountain is a mountain in the andes of peru with an altitude of 5200 meters above sea level. Here youll find everything you need to know from the history and facts to the must knows when climbing this increasingly popular travel spot.

It is located on the road to the ausangate mountain in the peruvian andes in the cusco region between the districts of cusipata province of quispicanchi pitumarca and the province of canchis. Vinicunca also known as the mountain of seven colors or more simply rainbow mountain was discovered four years ago when the snow covering it melted revealing the natural beauty of the rock. The vinicunca trek is one of cusco.

Vinicunca the rainbow mountain vinicunca also known as the 7 color mountain or cerro colorado is considered the fourth largest mountain in peru with its 6380 meters in height is located in the district of pitumarca province of quispicanchi cusco region in the south of the country from this natural wonder we can appreciate the snowy apu ausangate. Welcome to the official website of rainbow mountain peru originally known as vinicunca found in the andes mountains of peru. Experience the spectacular views offered from the rainbow mountain.

At present the rainbow mountain is visited by more than 1200 people per day just to enjoy the beautiful coloration and the spectacular landscape that surrounds it.