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Traditional Peru Instruments

While modern panpipes played in the city or in groups with other instruments may offer a complete scale allowing solo performance traditional models are played in pairs as described by sixteenth century chroniclers.

Traditional peru instruments. An amalgamation of spanish and native culinary influences classic peruvian desserts are all a must try for all foodies be it locals or tourists. In addition to the ocarina and waqra phuku there are peruvian wind instruments of two basic types panpipes and flutes both of native andean origin and built to play tritonic pentatonic and hexatonic scales though some contemporary musicians play instruments designed to play european diatonic scales. European and afro peruvian influence.

Charango and its variations mini string instrument similar to guitar cajon percussion instrument jawbone percussion instrument and it is used in afro music in peru. The incas used a wide variety of musical instruments. There are many types of percussion instrument used in andean music.

Picarones a unique peruvian. These are great for use of children and adults at musical practice ceremonies concerts and festivals. Among them are the bombo cana de agua wankar chullus or chajchas caja or tinya.

Panpipes known by the aymara as siku by the quechna as antara and by the spanish as zampona are ancient instruments and archeologists have unearthed panpipes tuned to a variety of scales. Numerous string instruments like domingachas andean harp violin charangos small andean guitar chilladores even smaller peruvian guitar and many more native peruvian musical instrument not seen every day. Huevito lobaton and juri juarez.

Rain stick musical instrument peru rain sticks are musical instrument that come from south american they make a similar sound to the rain falling down. While juarez plays the guitar lobaton plays the cajon the cajita and the quijada de burro and even does a bit of fancy zapateo footwork. The quijada de burro is made out ofa donkeys jawbone.

By moving the stick slowly or fast you can create a downfall or light rain. Bombo is a large wooden drum made from a hollow trunk tree and covered in animal skin usually that of llama or sheep on the top and cow at the bottom. Peruvian music is dominated by the national instrument the charango.

Peruvian music inca instruments. Another percussion instrument is the quijada de burro or donkeys jaw. So skim through this list of 10 peruvian desserts to let your taste buds secure a lasting impression and also feel the countrys rich culinary culture.

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Music History Andean Nation Music History Andean Nation

Music History Andean Nation Source :

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Charango Wikipedia Charango Wikipedia

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