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The Crown Tundra Returning Pokemon

Heres the complete list of returning legendary pokemon found in the crown tundra dlc.

The crown tundra returning pokemon. As with the full lineup of returning pokemon made available in the pokedex as of now you can either capture them in the crown tundra or just transfer them over from older games through pokemon home. Crown tundra returns many of them to the game including hoenns altaria and salamence as well as sinnohs fan favorite garchomp. The latter doesnt even require you to buy the expansion pass just requiring you to download the free update.

Nidoran nidorina nidoqueen nidoran nidorino nidoking zubat golbat jynx electabuzz magmar omanyte omastar kabuto kabutops aerodactyl articuno zapdos moltres dratini dragonair dragonite crobat smoochum elekid magby raikou entei suicune lugia ho oh treecko. Articuno moltres zapdos raikou entei suicune lugia ho oh regirock regice registeel latios latias rayquaza kyogre groudon uxie mesprit azelf dialga heatmor palkia giratina regigigas cresselia victini tornadus.