The Crown Tundra Legendary List
Find a list of all legendary pokemon added by generation and how to get them.

The crown tundra legendary list. This is a list of all legendary pokemon found in the crown tundra and a guide to catching all of them. Articuno zapdos and moltres. Otherwise each of the following legendaries are now available in pokemon sword and shield as of the release of the crown tundra dlc.
Includes new pokemon from previous generations. Check out this list of legendary pokemon in the crown tundra the pokemon sword shield expansion. Our tier list has been updated with the latest contenders from the crown tundra.
Calyrex is the featured legendary pokemon of the new crown tundra dlc that means the likes of regirock regice registeel regieleki regidrago the two new regimons raikou entei suicune and. Terrakion cobalion virizion and keldeo. While not all legendary pokemon are allowed to.
Heres all of the crown tundra legendary pokemon. They join newly discovered legendary pokemon broadly expanding the pool of powerful pokemon permitted for tournaments and ranked battles. Every new legendary pokemon in crown tundra calyrex glastrier spectrier regirock regice registeel regieleki regidrago galarian articuno galarian zapdos galarian moltres articuno zapdos moltres cobalion virizion terrakion keldeo cosmog zygarde xerneas yveltal suicune raikou entei tornadus landorus.
Tier list updated for november season. New legendary pokemon in crown tundra dlc galarian zapdos galarian articuno galarian moltres regieleki regidrago glastrier spectrier calyrex ice rider calyrex shadow rider calyrex. 145 zapdos electric flying.
Read this crown tundra pokedex guide to learn all of the new pokemon legendary pokemon in sword and shield expansion pass dlc. This also includes mewtwo that was previously introduced to the game in other raids so that is why he is not on the list.