The Crown Of Barenziah
New crown of barenziah meshtextures new unusual gem meshtextures wearable crowns of barenziah all races.

The crown of barenziah. You only need to have had the item in your inventory for the replica recipe to be unlocked. Reward edit edit source once restored the dragonborn receives the passive power prowlers profit. After returning the crown you get a unique effect of thieves fortune which will increase the chance of finding any gems in the chests.
With the stones and crown in her possession vex says she can restore the paragon to its full strength. After handing in all twenty four stones of barenziah the dragonborn is asked to recover the crown of barenziah from tolvalds cave. Two of which are maul in riften and vex part of the thieves guild also in riften.
The original is turned in during the quest so only the replica can be displayed. The fully restored crown of barenziah then sits on the mannequin bust in the ragged flagon cistern. 2 gold ingots 5 amethysts.
Stones of barenziah are unusual gems found in skyrim. When approaching the crown three hostile dunmer ghosts will appear and attack. Recovering the crown restores the paragon to its full status.
Tolvalds cave after finding all 24 stones of barenziah for vex as part of the quest no stone unturned. Skyrim special editionskyrim remastered gameplay walkthrough skyrim the stones of barenziah are a widely scattered collection of twenty four gemstones fou. Finding one of these unlocks new miscellaneous quest bring the unusual gem to an appraiser in which one of these stones must be identified by one of several appraisers.
After collecting all the stones back to the vex at thieves guild she said that there was only the last part you need to find the crown of barenziah and sends us into the tolvalds cave. Vex reveals that the crown of barenziah is an item that enhances a thiefs ability. A completely brand new high detailed re make of the crown of barenziah and the stones of barenziah.
Vex reveals that the crown of barenziah is actually a paragon for the thieves guild. What this mod includes. Made at the replica station in the curators office with the following materials.
Appearance will most definitely vary based on lighting enb non enb settings. The cave is three layers deep and crawling with falmer so be sure to prepare yourself. Find the crown within tolvalds cave show vex the full set of stones and she will have you travel to tolvalds cave to retrieve the crown of barenziah.