The Crown Emoji
Get all crown symbols and alt code for king and queen crown text symbols.

The crown emoji. Crown emoji is the picture of the golden royal crown decorated with precious stones. You may click images above to enlarge them and better understand crown emoji meaning. Crown symbol is a copy and paste text symbol that can be used in any desktop web or mobile applications.
Representative of a king queen or other form of royalty. Emoji meaning a gold crown with jewels on the sides. Examples of crown emoji using.
Just click on the symbol to get more information such as crown symbol unicode download crown emoji as a png image at different sizes or copy crown symbol to clipboard then paste into your favorite application. Click to copy the symbol. The crown emoji appeared in 2010 and also known as the king emoji.
Combinations with crown emoji. It also illustrates an ancient and well worn principle in the formation of visual representation. Knighted to wear to rule to crown to pamper to eat to give to shaina to slay obey to kiss to be pretty and a queen oijdsfjosdf wear to be bae kay cool amazing cool reign shiney sits spin rj nater fast rule be royal put on crown playing with friends to rule with power to be fancy shine boss to run to rule killing go run knife amy run run the world.
This table explains the meaning of every crown symbol. Princess emoji meaning the face of a princess. A gold crown with jewels on the sides.
Crown crown emoji was approved as part of unicode 60 standard in 2010 with a u1f451 codepoint and currently is listed in objects category. You can copy and paste queen king crown symbols from the below list or use alt codes to insert crown symbol in word excel and powerpoint. Crown emoji meaning of crown emoji.
Sometimes these pictures are ambiguous and you can see something else on them. Sometimes it is mentioned as the queen emoji. Crown was approved as part of unicode 60 in 2010 and added to emoji 10 in 2015.
A girl or woman wearing a small crown or tiara. It is popularly used to tag social media discussions of the british royal family especially on occasions of royal weddings and babies. This ingenious use of the crown emoji is not just an example of human creative smarts.
It mainly means anything at all related to royalty and being at the top or best. Combinations are just a bunch of emojis placed together like this.