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Peru Water Billboard

Peruvian researchers have collaborated with an ad agency to create an unusual billboard that.

Peru water billboard. Newly elected president of. In 3 months the billboard has produced 9450. The university of engineering and technology of peru teamed up with an ad agency to construct a water producing billboard in lima.

This unique and innovative advertising concept covers the invention of the first billboard that autonomously produces drinking water from air humiditythis advertising billboard reflects the universitys. Transforming a billboard to provide clean drinking water a cruel contradiction exists in lima peru. The billboard provides clean drinking water in a region where rainfall is scarce year round but atmospheric humidity reaches almost 98.

Perus university of engineering and technology utec built an atmospheric water generator which creates fresh drinking water from the humidity in the air by condensing the humidity in the air into water. So engineers from perus university of engineering and technology utec have devised a way to turn that humid air into usable water. The billboard uses reverse osmosis to capture and filter water from the humid air store it in 20 liter tanks and provide quality water for the people of lima every day.

In a three month period the billboard dispensed 9450 liters of water. A university and an ad agency have built the first ever billboard to capture air humidity and turn it into potable drinking water in lima the second largest desert capital in the world. This groundbreaking tool may be the first of many to come.

Lima water generating billboard. The second driest city in the world after cairo lima sits on perus coastal desert making clean drinking water scarce. A billboard that produces drinking water.

Billboard produces drinkable water from desert air in peru. A new water creating billboard in peru helps tackle a serious problem as well as projects a message of hope in an area thats long faced water insecurity issues. And this is possible thanks to ingenuity in action a slogan encompassed in the advertising campaign that universidad de ingenieria tecnologia utec has launched to promote its admissions process commencing on march 3rd 2013.

The billboard works through a reverse osmosis system capturing the air humidity condensing and purifying the water and filling it up in 20 lt. A billboard in peru creates clean drinking water from air. The system will generate approximately 100 liters of fresh clean drinking water for the town locals daily.