Peru Sierra
Peru has a great diversity of climate of way of life and of economic activity.

Peru sierra. Learn more about the country including its history geography and culture. Except for the lake titicaca basin in the southeast its borders lie in sparsely populated zones. Some of the worlds highest mountains can be found here like the huascaran 6768 m and the yerupaja 6634 m.
Peru is a country on the central western coast of south america facing the pacific oceanit lies wholly in the southern hemisphere its northernmost extreme reaching to 18 minutes of latitude or about 33 kilometres 21 mi south of the equatorperu shares land borders with ecuador colombia brazil bolivia and chile with its longest land border shared with brazil. The andes range together with its foothills forms the part of peru that is called la sierra. En el peru la region de la sierra tambien llamada region andina serrania o andes peruanos es la region montanosa y de altiplanicies del pais constituida por las tierras medias y altas de la cordillera de los andesse extiende a lo largo del pais de norte a sur y dentro de la geografia del peru constituye una region geografica tradicional.
Peru country in western south america.