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Peru Nazca Lines Astronaut

A large geoglyph near the nazca lines thought by some to represent an astronaut the ancient nazca lines are hundreds of huge ground drawings etched into the high desert of southern peru.

Peru nazca lines astronaut. Astronaut photographs mysterious ufo landing pad in peru the nazca lines in peru are believed by many to be landing pads for alien ufos and can be seen from space in these. Nazca lines from space. Its not hard to imagine that the nazca stylized their images of people in the same way they deviated from reality with their animals by enlarging some portions like the head and shrinking others.

The individual figurative geoglyph designs measure between 04 and 11 km across. Some are stylized animals and humanoid figures while others are merely straight lines hundreds of meters long. As for the astronaut biomorph its also known by another name.

He revealed that the images could make alien enthusiasts think there could be. The nazca people also created other forms such as a humanoid figure nicknamed the astronaut hands and some completely unidentifiable depictions. The nazca astronaut known to archaeologists as the owl man is an etched geoglyph in human form approximately 100 feet 30 meters high situated between two etched parallel lines on a hill near the nazca plateau such that it could be seen from the coast.

Most lines run straight across the landscape but there are also figurative designs of animals and plants. They were created between 500 bce and 500 ce by people making depressions or shallow incisions in the desert floor removing pebbles and leaving differently colored dirt exposed. The nazca lines naezk are a group of very large geoglyphs made in the soil of the nazca desert in southern peru.

Now russian cosmonaut ivan vagner has shared a photo of nazca line taken from the international space station iss. Another nazca lines parrot.

Nazca Lines Peru Youtube Nazca Lines Peru Youtube

Nazca Lines Peru Youtube Source :

Nazca Lines The Astronaut Travel Badger Nazca Lines The Astronaut Travel Badger

Nazca Lines The Astronaut Travel Badger Source :

Map Of Nazca Lines Map Of Nazca Lines

Map Of Nazca Lines Source :

Nazca Lines Nazca Lines

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