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Machu Picchu Peru Landscape

Machu picchu is a 15th century inca citadel located in the eastern cordillera of southern peru on a 2430 metre 7970 ft mountain ridge.

Machu picchu peru landscape. This article has two parts. Story and photos by desiree anstey children flash snow capped teeth upon our arrival and come running to see what we bring. Huayna picchu the closest peak to the ruins is a favorite hiking area for many visitors amongst whom machu picchu tours are also popular for their spectacular views of this wondrous location.

Located south of the equator at 13o 0947s and 72 o 32 44w is the inca citadel of machu picchu. Machu picchu also spelled machupijchu site of ancient inca ruins located about 50 miles 80 km northwest of cuzco peru in the cordillera de vilcabamba of the andes mountains. Machu old picchu hill located 120 km from cusco peru is a classic icon of the inca civilization.

Its one of the most isolated indigenous communities in peru which only sees a trickle of tourists pass. Everyone has seen the stunning photos of machu picchu taken from the famous sun gate or from the mountain of huayna picchu but where is the site. A machu picchu tour is an opportunity for an amazing geography lesson.

It is located in the machupicchu district within urubamba province above the sacred valley which is 80 kilometres 50 mi northwest of cuzcothe urubamba river flows past it cutting through the cordillera and creating a canyon with a tropical mountain. Machu picchu is located in the central peruvian andes at an elevation of about 8000 feet.