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Leprosy Cured Persons

Leprosy is an age old disease described in the literature of ancient civilizations.

Leprosy cured persons. They work by killing the bacteria that cause leprosy. Some 95 percent of people are naturally immune while those who contract the infection can be easily treated with a cocktail of inexpensive antibiotics. You cannot get leprosy through casual contact such as shaking hands sitting next to or talking to someone who has the disease.

Discover the symptoms and see pictures. Leprosy or hansens disease is a chronic progressive bacterial infection that can cause disfigurement and disability if left untreated. Throughout history people afflicted have often been ostracized by their communities and families.

The world health organization provides free treatment for all people with leprosy. While antibiotics can kill the bacteria they cannot reverse damage caused by the bacteria. A person is not contagious within a few days of starting the treatment with antibiotics.

Leprosy is also called the hansens disease hd. Wild chimpanzees in western africa have been found with leprosy for the first time ever and now scientists are struggling to get to the root of the infectious disease. Health and family welfare minister ut.

You are contagious until your treatment is complete. If you already have a disability such as loss of feeling or blindness thats permanent. As part of series on the 21 disabilities included under the rights of persons with disabilities rpwd act 2016 today we talk about leprosy cured persons.

Get the facts. These are the people who have received treatment for leprosy and are cured but have disability due to the disease. In extreme cases in northern india leprosy is equated with an untouchable status that often persists long after individuals with leprosy have been cured of the disease creating lifelong prospects of divorce eviction loss of employment and ostracism from family and social networks.

Speaking at the 125 year anniversar. Leprosy can be cured. Once you catch leprosy you will die.

Leprosy is curable and treatment in the early stages can prevent disability. Brief history of the disease and treatment. Leprosy can be cured with antibiotic treatment.

You can get leprosy when sitting next to someone who has the disease.

Leprosy Nnn Leprosy Nnn

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