Lepra Reaction Ppt
Very rarely it manifests as ulcerative skin lesions.

Lepra reaction ppt. Erythema nodosum leprosum type 2 reaction episodic. Lepra este o maladie cronica infectioasa cauzata este cunoscuta din antichitate ca una din cele primele masuri profilactice se refera la sviii v la fel boala este amintita in roma si grecia mai tarziu prin secolele vii si viii. Other reactions occur after the initiation of appropriate chemotherapy.
Ashar iqbal lodi 080201134 2. Late diagnosis and late treatment with mdt advanced disease mb leprosy leprosy reactions which involve nerves lack of information on how to protect insensitive parts disabilities can be prevented the best way to prevent disabilities is. They occur as result of neuropathy type 2 lepra reaction or lucios phenomenon.
Increased bacterial load later during treatment eruption of evanescent tender red papules nodules most frequently occur on extremities and face blanch on pressure lymph nodes liver and spleen may be painful and enlarged nerves and joints may become swollen and tender. Diagnosticul diferen ial apendicita acut invagina ia intestinal shigelloza boala crohn colita ulceroas nespecific principii de tratament dieta. Theyll give your presentations a professional memorable appearance the kind of sophisticated look that todays audiences expect.
Risk factors multiple lesions lesions close to peripheral. Worlds best powerpoint templates crystalgraphics offers more powerpoint templates than anyone else in the world with over 4 million to choose from. Leprosyit is a chronic infectious disease caused by mleprae an acid fast rod shaped bacillus.
Ulcers with maculo papular rash are an unusual presenting feature of leprosy. It is acute inflammatory response occurring in the course of the disease 1 this is thought to be due to an alteration in the immunological status of the patient it is the major cause of nerve damage and disability in leprosy it can occur at anytime before during or after treatment occurs in 3040 of leprosy cases. It mainly affects the skin peripheral nerves and mucosa of therespiratory tract etc it has left behind a terrifying image in history and human memory of mutilation rejection and exclusion from society.
The hall mark of type 2 reaction is erythema nodosum. Lasting for 48 72 hours or a few days poor gc mb leprosy. Disabilities such as loss of sensation and deformities of handsfeeteyes occur because.
Sadaf fasih dermatology deptt a man with deformities of hands loss of sensations and chronic skin lesions leprosy chronic granulomatous disease caused by mycobacterium lepraeprincipally affecting peripheral nerves skin prevalence 600000 new casesyear worldwide 23rd of worlds leprosy burden in asia espin indiapakistannepalbangladesh tanzania.