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Lepra Nodular

Mycobacterium leprae is an obligate intracellular gram positive and weakly acid fast organism the complexity of presentation is related to the varied immunologic responses the incubation period is usually 3 5 years tuberculoid leprosy occurs in individuals with good cell mediated immunity.

Lepra nodular. La lepra lepromatosa nodular lln constituye el tipo progresivo sistemico relativamente transmisible e incurable de forma espontanea de la enfermedad de hansen. This nerve damage may result in a lack of ability to feel pain which can lead to the loss of parts of a persons extremities from repeated injuries or infection due to unnoticed. The lesions resolve with complete healing and nl has been considered a manifestation of allergy and congenital immunity to mycobacteria leprae.

Patients develop granulomatous response. The lepromin test can detect the hypersensitivity in a leper. Lymphadenopathy is known to be associated with lepromatous leprosy and has also been observed as a feature of type 2 lepra reaction.

Leprosy also known as hansens disease hd is a long term infection by the bacteria mycobacterium leprae or mycobacterium lepromatosis. Mejillas nariz pabellones. Lepra is a chronic infectious disease caused by bacillus leprae of which the most prominent and typical symptoms are nodular lesions in the skin and mucous membranes lepra tuberosa and sensory and trophic disturbances due to infiltration of the peripheral nerves lepra anaesthetica.

There are two types of reactions. Nodular leprosy of childhood nl is a benign clinical variant of tuberculoid leprosy that affects breast feeding infants and children that remained in a highly infected environment. Manchas eritematosas o hipocromicas lesiones foliculares o infiltraciones localizadas se observa en partes del cuerpo descubiertas o frias predominan en regiones.

Se caracteriza clinicamente por su tendencia a la diseminacion cutanea formando nodulos y otras lesiones cutaneas eritematosas infiltradas circunscri tas placas. La lepra tuberculoide tiene una severidad mas leve que la lepromatosa y tambien es menos contagiosa. When 01 ml of lepromin containing 40 millions dead lepra bacilli is injected intradermally to an individual it produces at the site of injection an area of nodular infiltration in skin which reaches its maximum size in 3 to 5 weeks.

1 lepra lepromatosa nodular lln se caracteriza por aparicion de nodulos que pueden ir precedidos de lesiones circunscritas como. However nodular lymph node enlargement is not commonly reported in leprosy patients or as a feature of relapse.

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