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Inca Peru Architecture

The gray granite used to build the city was widely available at the ridge.

Inca peru architecture. The pre incan civilizations survive to this day providing evidence of the religious beliefs and natural considerations of its architects while their contemporary counterparts are making their mark on the world stage. The vast majority of inca buildings were rectangular and most of these had a single entrance and were composed of only one room as dividing walls are not common in inca design. From the incan stonework of machu picchu to the colonial white washed streets of arequipa peru architecture has a rich history.

As such it is one of the few places where you can experience the architectonical ingenuity of the inca masons. The economy was based on agriculture its staples being corn maize white and sweet potatoes squash tomatoes peanuts groundnuts chili peppers coca cassava and cotton. One temple wall in machu picchu has 33 corners.

Inca architecture had fueled economy of peru and tourism to peru and has changed the way the world looks and ancient architecture. Inca architecture heavily influenced the architecture of the conquistadors and any surviving conquistador buildings were most likely built on inca walls and an inca foundation. However inca architecture is most known for its polygonal stones used in many religious buildings they used the largest and most intricate polygonal shaped stones.

A core characteristic of the architectural style was to use the topography and existing materials of the land as part of the design. The capital of the inca empire cuzco still contains many fine examples of inca architecture although many walls of inca masonry have been incorporated into span. Their irrigation systems palaces temples and fortifications can still be seen throughout the andes.

Tiawanaku flourished in the altiplano of peru and bolivia and its development was centered around lake titicaca in the present department of puno peru. There are some rare examples of multiple doored long rectangular structures and even buildings which were circular or u shaped but the norm was for straight walled structures. The incas inherited an architectural legacy from tiwanaku founded in the 2nd century bce.

The administrative political and military center of the empire was located in the city of cuscothe inca civilization arose from the peruvian highlands sometime in the early 13th century. Despite its picture perfect vista few facts are known about machu picchu. The inca empire quechua.

Inca architecture the temples of the incas. One of the reasons inca architecture was successful was the organization of its society and labor. Small pieces were usually detached due to earthquakes.

Inca technology and architecture were highly developed although not strikingly original. Machu picchu is almost the only inca site in peru that survived the spanish invasion and the last 500 years unscathed. As for the peruvian inca architecture seen in their palaces the most outstanding one is that of the nustas princesses also located in machu picchu.

The most important examples of inca architecture seen in the temples that remain of this ancient american civilization include among others the casa del sol house of the sun on the island of lake titicaca the temple of the sun in cuzco peru and the temple of three windows in machu picchu peru. Perus architectural traditions can be roughly divided into three categories pre columbian colonial and contemporary with magnificent.