Globi Lepra
They are most severe at the cooler parts of the body.

Globi lepra. Lepra bacilli have been found to remain viable in a warm humid environment for. Pgl 1 phenolic glycoprotienact as virulence factor. He is member of the brazilian hansens disease society and integrates the technical advisory board for national leprosy program in brazil.
Leprae is an obligate intracellular parasite that multiplies preferentially in tissues at cooler temperature. Chains are never seen. Most striking are the intracellular and extra cellular masses known as globi which consist of clumps of bacilli in capsular material.
Links to pubmed are also available for selected references. The skin lesions include macules nodules plaques or papules. Skin lesions tend to be multiple and symmetrical preferably located in the colder areas of the body characterized by hypochromic erythematous or bright brownish spots with indefinite borders.
Bacteria are present in large numbers in cutaneous nerves and in endothelium and media of small and large vessels. Get a printable copy pdf file of the complete article 67m or click on a page image below to browse page by page. Lepromatous seen where host resistance is low.
Bacilli seen in large numbers as globi inside lepra cells or extracellularly. Antibodies are produced but they do not prevent bacterial proliferation. In the past he worked as the brazilian representative for lepra uk and developed consulting for others ilep members in brazil nlr and alm and for the pan american healh organisation paho.
The globi appears in virchows lepra cell or foamy cell which are large undifferentiated histocytes. It occurs in large numbers in the lesions of lepromatous leprosy chiefly in masses within the lepra cells often grouped together like bundles of cigars or arranged in a palisade. The lepromatous leprosy is characterized by the presence of large number of acid fast bacilli in large clumps globi inside the macrophages lepra cells.
As the disease progresses lesions infiltrate forming plaques and. Macrophages virchow cells lepra are found in poorly circumscribed masses in the dermis with few no lymphocytes. Large numbers or as globi inside lepra cells or extracellularly.
Globi appear in virchows lepra cells or foamy cellundifferentiated histocytes strian variability is demonstrated recently. Macrophages may be distended with large groups of leprosy bacilli globi. The globi are present inside the foamy macrophages called virchows lepra cells or foamy cells.
This is known as. The skin lesions are extensive and are bilaterally symmetrical.